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How to Clean Hot Tub Jets

How to Clean Hot Tub Jets

Hot tub is haven for relaxation, a place to unwind after a long day, and a source of pure bliss. But like any cherished possession, your hot tub requires regular maintenance to keep it sparkling clean and functioning optimally.

One crucial aspect of this upkeep involves cleaning the jets – those powerful little nozzles that release soothing bubbles and massage your worries away.

Fear not, fellow hot tub enthusiasts! Cleaning your jets isn’t rocket science, and with a little know-how and elbow grease, you can ensure a consistently rejuvenating experience.

This guide delves into the world of hot tub jet care, providing you with everything you need to know for a thorough and stress-free cleaning process.

Before You Begin: Gathering Your Arsenal

Before diving into the cleaning process, it’s essential to gather your supplies. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Cleaning Solution:
    • Commercial Hot Tub Cleaner: Opt for a product specifically designed for hot tub cleaning. These cleaners are formulated to be gentle on your hot tub’s materials while effectively removing grime and build-up.
    • DIY Options: If you prefer a more natural approach, you can create a cleaning solution using white vinegar and water (equal parts) or baking soda and water (a paste-like consistency). However, always check with your hot tub manufacturer’s instructions before using any DIY cleaners, as some materials might not be compatible with certain solutions.
  • Cleaning Tools:
    • Garden Hose: This will be used for rinsing the jets and the surrounding area.
    • Soft-bristled Brush: A small brush with soft bristles is ideal for gently scrubbing around the jet openings and removing any stubborn debris.
    • Bucket or Container: This will be used to hold your cleaning solution and water for rinsing.
    • Optional: Some hot tub models might come with specialized cleaning tools like jet loosener tools or filter cleaning tools. Check your manufacturer’s recommendations for specific equipment.

Safety First: Power Down and Empty the Tub

Safety is paramount when dealing with any cleaning task, and your hot tub is no exception. Before starting the cleaning process:

  1. Turn off the power: Locate the circuit breaker or switch that controls your hot tub’s power and ensure it’s switched off completely. This prevents any accidental electrical shock during the cleaning process.
  2. Empty the water: Following your hot tub’s specific instructions, drain the water completely. Consult your user manual for the recommended drainage method, as some models might have built-in drainage pumps or specific valves for emptying.

Prepping the Jets: Loosening the Debris

Once the tub is empty, it’s time to loosen any built-up grime and debris from the jets. Here’s how:

  1. Locate the jet covers: These are typically small, circular pieces that cover the individual jet openings. Carefully remove them by gently pulling or twisting them counterclockwise, depending on the design.
  2. Rinsing with the hose: Use the garden hose to thoroughly rinse the jets and the surrounding area with clean water. This initial rinse helps remove loose dirt and debris that might clog the cleaning solution later.

Cleaning Time: Unleashing the Power of the Solution

Now comes the cleaning itself. Here’s what to do:

  1. Prepare your cleaning solution: If using a commercial hot tub cleaner, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution. If opting for a DIY solution, ensure the mixture is well-combined.
  2. Soak the jets (optional): Some people prefer soaking the jet covers and any removable parts in the cleaning solution for 30 minutes to loosen stubborn grime. This step is optional but can be helpful for heavily soiled jets.
  3. Apply the solution: Dip the soft-bristled brush into the cleaning solution and gently scrub around the jet openings, both inside and outside. Pay close attention to any visible build-up or residue.
  4. Let it sit: Allow the cleaning solution to sit on the jets for the recommended time as per the product instructions or your chosen DIY recipe. This allows the solution to break down the grime effectively.
  5. Scrub and Rinse: After the waiting period, use the brush to gently scrub the jets again, focusing on any remaining residue. Afterward, thoroughly rinse the jets and the surrounding area with clean water from the hose.

The Final Touches: Putting Everything Back Together

Once the jets are clean and rinsed, it’s time to finalize the process:

  1. Inspect the jets: Once rinsed, visually inspect the jets for any remaining debris or blockages. If necessary, repeat the cleaning process for any stubborn areas.
  2. Reattach the jet covers: Carefully screw or snap the jet covers back into place, ensuring a secure fit. Remember, a loose cover can allow debris to enter the jets and hinder their performance.
  3. Refill the tub: Following your hot tub’s manual, refill the tub with clean water.
  4. Sanitize and balance the water: Once the tub is refilled, add the recommended amount of sanitizer and balancing chemicals according to your hot tub’s size and manufacturer’s instructions. Maintaining proper water chemistry is crucial for preventing the growth of bacteria and algae, which can clog the jets and compromise the overall hygiene of your hot tub.
  5. Test the jets: Once the water is sanitized and balanced, turn on the hot tub and test the jets. Ensure they are functioning properly and producing a strong, even flow.

Prolonging the Sparkle: Tips for Ongoing Maintenance

While a thorough cleaning is vital, regular maintenance practices can significantly extend the lifespan of your hot tub jets and keep them functioning optimally:

  • Rinse after each use: After each use, take a few minutes to rinse the jets with clean water from the hose. This helps remove any residual debris that might accumulate after each bathing session.
  • Weekly cleaning routine: Develop a weekly cleaning routine where you remove and rinse the jet covers, giving them a quick scrub with a soft brush.
  • Monthly deep clean: Schedule a more thorough cleaning process like the one outlined above at least once a month, especially if you use your hot tub frequently.
  • Cover your tub: When not in use, keep your hot tub covered with a well-fitting lid. This helps prevent debris like leaves, dust, and insects from entering the tub and potentially clogging the jets.
  • Professional service (optional): Consider scheduling professional maintenance service once or twice a year, especially if you live in an area with hard water or experience frequent use. A professional can provide a deeper clean and address any potential issues with your hot tub’s system.


By following these simple cleaning and maintenance tips, you can ensure your hot tub jets remain sparkling clean, functioning effectively, and delivering a consistently relaxing spa experience for years to come.

Remember, a well-maintained hot tub not only enhances your bathing experience but also protects your investment and extends the lifespan of this luxurious addition to your home.

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